The Definite Future

Cayapa Drew
4 min readJul 26, 2020


The future is definite:

The future is going to be sustainable and just because you and I both want that to be so. In the way of this proposal, we’re going to guide each other through managing the process of enabling that sustainable and best-potential future.

There’s only one way this can happen, only one way we (society) can all comprehend what it feels like to full-fill our part in that future. And this is necessary. That way will be a time in which out of our necessity for reaching our best potentials, people redefine their ways of life to enable them to live more closely with their friends and who-all they work with. Intentional communities, households similar to co-housing communities or organic farm communities will dominate the ways of mainstream society, as people are met with the opportunity to know each other, and build a life with each other that’s more in touch and comprehensive of how people are and why they are how they are and how the world has been and what the ultimate ideal is, in it’s humble opportunity, what each other wants to build with their community. Gloriously, we’ll all actually be so well balanced in our passion for life and each other and the deeper points of guidance that only ever point in the direction that we want to go so that we actually thoroughly enjoy living together. The truth is, our suffering has been immensely due to the ill founding of the people in our life. It’s the people. It’s the way of the world. It was also you and me before enlightenment. This project is to redirect the greater populous of people in our world.

This is the only way to amend the whole, because we don’t have to each individually step out of our way to enable the grounded community that’s necessary for us all to achieve our bests of this life together and follow each others creative motions and and keep up with the happening ambitions and ideas of each others lives, steadily. And to act on our a present ability to contribute in a naturally happening way to the products of our community partners. No, we don’t have to step out of our way as the normal life expectation would suggest. Instead, we have to redefine our way so that that grounding, passionate, separately driven and passing community is part of our way of life. Whoever can’t yet see the value of this vision, has to be met with an experience of more worthy living that enlightens to understanding. This became clear to me during the COVID summer by example of the black lives matters protesters, who I realized were in a hellish circumstantial microcosm and in simply in need of a vacation from that microcosm into a well and opportune experience of living in supportive co-dependent community to see the world not as a competition in which they must rise above, but instead a lifestyle in which they must sustain the joy and potential of their communities members. That Summer’s explosion of frustrated children distracting from all the people who’d long been trying to organize for the greater good, made it clear that people as a whole don’t understand what “better” is until they’ve experienced some sort of better. They simply can’t imagine on their own and so they must be gifted a better experience, that’s right with the future that we know must be (reference my -Out of Reach Ideal- post).

The living spaces in this time of when we’ve moved to live closer, will be essentially houses of activists (passion for life and peace and love and good health of our way is simply the solution). A house will function like a company founded on spiritual principles that maintain themselves through the processes of the household’s lives with the support of the household. A way that ultimately aligns with the individuals values more than our current way. The whole list of these activist houses will be the base of nothing short of a cultural revolution.

As the people’s lives improve through their shifted way of living closer to their grounding community for common purpose of a better way, workspaces will begin to open, separate from the houses; for the purpose of building the creative products of our activism. I call the spaces “concept stores”. This is where we’re going to put the future together, together. Each will be an entrepreneurial team, and with what we create, the stores of higher thinking who can comprehend no need for competition past their collective strength, will be the most successful. Internal conflict would be the demise of such a project, not a benefit in any way. A concept store will be more open and vulnerable to it’s members than one might imagine an office, as the store will be shaped around a whole picture approach to progressing the individual stores mission, will encourage movement in it’s space and will yet be dependent on the whole way of life that we shape in our initial direction of a new foundation for a culture of “Activism”.



Cayapa Drew
Cayapa Drew

Written by Cayapa Drew

The indigenous peoples of Latin America have three words for community works for the greater good without self interest. The words are Minga, Minka, and Cayapa.

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